Saturday, June 27, 2009

Learning to respect

I have witnessed a highly prevalent tendency in the Indian society to treat economically weak sections with utmost contempt. I am not sure whether it came about from the callousness generated from intense competition to survive among hundreds of millions or the social division based on caste systems.
What I do know, is that, it is completely unnecessary and against human rights. It is not only offensive to the victim, but also degrading to the offender. I humbly request all fellow human beings to learn to respect everyone around them. Just learn to say 'please' and 'thank you' to your servants, waiters , security guards etc. Inquire about their well being and, if possible, try to help them to the best of your abilities. You would be surprised at the improvement in the quality of your service as well as how much better you start feeling yourself. If you are into spirituality at all, you would agree the all the positive thoughts and actions bear positive fruits.

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