Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sanctity of information

I do not know whether holocaust happened or not. I have heard enough from the holocaust deniers as well as from them,who consider this piece in the "history" as the most evil propaganda by an individual. I choose not to not give any references simply because there is no means for me to verify them as being genuine !
I have no idea whether to believe the scientists who warn us about the threats of global warming or equally "reputed" group of people who provide theories and "proofs" against it.
And recently I watched this video which, if true, could change the face of physics and eventually human life.

The point I guess, is that I have constantly found a need to be able to verify all the information that I receive from various sources. Sometimes I wonder if there is such a thing as "true" information, or it's just point of views of certain individuals. I would like to believe the former. In any case, I think there is a need to have all the references ( and references to references ) all at one place. Wikipedia is doing this to some extent but once I follow the references in the wikipedia, I am again entering the realms of uncertainty. And again, Wiki shows me the current majority accepted version of a topic and not the absolute truth.

I guess what I wish for, is tags. on all the references on the web indicating the usefulness/general acceptability/peer reviews and transparency on who is editing these tags.
By the way checkout Tim Berner Lee's new brain child: sharing databases instead of documents.

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